I preached on the need and desire for approval that we all have. Granted, we all feel it to different degrees. In my sermon, I mentioned how my desire to win, to be right, to have power and control always outweighs my desire for approval. It is still there though.
This blog post may feel more like a confession that I’m letting you in on. Hopefully this will be an encouragement to you or you’ll see yourself in it.
For me, I was convicted how out of my desire for power and control, I can very easily make my relationships about my approval of someone else.
I can be good at putting incredibly high standards on people, making them feel guilty so they will ultimately do what I want.
This is how I control things. In the end, it is also how I can easily help people sin by gaining my approval.
It is interesting when we talk about the idols of the heart or the sin in people’s lives, we focus on the person sinning. We should. They are responsible. In doing this, it is easy to let the people off who cause the sinning. Granted, someone seeking my approval is not my fault and they stand before God on that. I stand before God on how I cause someone to sin or stumble.
That is on me.
As I think about legalism, the gospel, the idols of my heart and hopefully as you think about those things, my hope with this blog post is to get you to realize in your quest for approval, control, comfort or power, you cause others to worship their idol by your actions. In your quest for comfort, you might help someone seek even more control so things don’t fall through the cracks because you are so laidback and letting whatever happens happen. In your quest for approval, you cause others to seek power because you are willing to be a doormat to their sin and ego.
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Filed under: gospel, gospel identities, idols of the heart Tagged: Christ, christianity, evangelism, galatians, God, gospel, Harry A. Ironside, holy spirit, identities, idols of the heart, jesus, jonah, legalism, moralism, preaching, Religion and Spirituality, sermon, sin